Saturday, August 30, 2008

26.23 miles - Errands/Commute - 8/30/08

26.23 miles
avg 16.5
max 26.7
cal 872.5
Lemond Poprad

Nearly car free couple of days.....great August weather. I am not looking forward to winter...

9.74 miles - ride with Liam to Hopkins and around the 'hood - 8/28/08

9.74 miles
avg 7.6
max 23.3
cal 143.7

32.72 miles - Pleasure ride and commute - 8/28 - 8/29/08

19.50 mile fitness/pleasure ride
13.22 mile commute
32.72 total miles
avg 17.1
cal 1130.3
Lemond Poprad

Bike-Free (due to sickness) vacation to bike-friendly Grand Marais, Minnesota

As you can see there is a bike lane where Liam is running across the road from our parked car...unfortunately, due to a cold, I was unable to take advantage of our vacation in Minnesota's mountain bike and road excursion mecca of the North Shore...but there was some canoeing and short hikes involved...most appreciated was the beauty of this unmolested-by-Corporate-America place.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

8.85 miles - Commute - 8/22/08

8.85 miles
avg 14.6
max 32.0
cal 298.1
Trek Commuter

Friday, August 22, 2008

21.96 miles - Kids/Commute-Shady Oak Extension - 8/21/08

10 miles riding with kids
12 mile commute
21.96 total miles
avg 10.8
max 29.7
cal 535.4
Trek Commuter

Monday, August 18, 2008

8.43 miles - Commute - 8/18/08

8.43 miles
avg 16.1
max 32.5
cal 279.6

Trek Commuter

Sunday, August 17, 2008

WHOOOOO!!!! 2000 MILES this year so far!!!!!

23.54 miles - Kids/Skate Park/Errands - Lake Calhoun/Lake of the Isles/Byerly's - 8/17/08

6 miles with the boys

17.5 miles on Lakes Tour

23.54 total miles
avg 12.4
max 24.1
cal 626.8

Trek Commuter - Me
Haro BMX - Liam
Trek 7.2fx - Thatcher

I had a fun ride with the kids...Liam was rockin' at the skatepark on his BMX...later on I took my commuter on a ride around the lakes and then to get some things to make smors at Byerly's...when I got home I built a fire and the kids and LeeAnn had smores...

Friday, August 15, 2008

13.91 miles - Commute/Errands - 8/15/08

13.91 miles
avg 16.1
max 27.4
cal 467.3

Trek Commuter

Still recovering from whatever has been bothering my hip...but not as bad as yesterday...I was denied access to the Wells Fargo drive-in teller today, which was quite annoying. What bothers me is that we are supposed to be on par with vehicles/cars when it comes to following laws, but we are second-class citizens when it comes to either enforcement of those laws, or when it is inconvenient. My guess is that some jackass driver complained to Wells Fargo about bikes pulling up to the window, so the bank changed policy.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

8.44 miles - Commute - 8/14/08

8.44 miles
avg 15.0
max 29.9
cal 256.4

Trek Commuter

Major pain in my hip and back today....probably should've drove my car...I think I may have injured myself swimming at the YMCA with my kids a couple of days ago....

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

14 miles - YMCA - 8/12/08

14 miles

Vintage Trek 330 SS

Didn't want to ride this one in the rain, but I have two other flats on two other bikes....but the nice thing was that on this ride I decided what to do with my 1984 Trek 500 frame - make it a rainy day bike so that I don't have to ride my others in the bad weather...

Monday, August 11, 2008

15 miles - Trader Joes wine run/ Minnetonka Blvd/Minnetaonka Mills/Hopkins/Exelsior/Louisianna Ave - 8/11/08

15 miles

night ride on the vintage Trek 330 SS

The other great thing about the single speed is that it forces me out of the saddle when I, a) have to climb a hill and, b) when I have to make a quick start - in traffic for example. I used to be an anti-out-of-the-saddle rider. Now I feel the opposite. It can really be a benefit to crank up the power.

20 miles - Cedar lake/Theo Wirth/Cedar lake/ SW Corridor - 8/10/08

20 miles

Vintage Trek 330 SS

Great ride on the single speed...don't have a computer on the single speed yet and don't know if I am going to so I don't ever know my true miles...I checked another post that has that route at 25 miles...but it didn't feel like 25 miles....I think my fitness level has shot up with my rides and my loss of 16-18 pounds this year...t has been great to see the scale below 200 for the first time in about 10 years...

I want to start taking a fanny pack and taking my camera because I miss many many great shots of places on my rides...I don't like fanny packs because they look geeky and they never quite fit right...but I may worth the hassle for some great pics!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

8.54 miles - Commute - 8/8/08

8.54 miles
avg 16.5
max 34.1
cal 305.3

Thursday, August 7, 2008

13.49 miles - Commute/Shady Oak Extension- 8/7/08

13.49 miles
avg 16.7
max 35.8
cal 487.3

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

13.04 miles - Commute/Shady Oak Extension - 8/6/08

13.04 miles
avg 16.9
max 33.9
cal 459.6
Trek Commuter

Monday, August 4, 2008

$ - 16.18 miles - Commute/Errands - 7/4/08

9.31 miles
avg 15.9
max 25.1
cal 320.2
Vintage Trek 610

Nice ride to work...flatted when at work....Guze trued my rear wheel for me...had a great ride to Trader Joe's to pick up dinner food and flatted while in Trader Joe' wife LeeAnn was going nearby on her way home from violin lessons with the kids and picked me up although I was prepared to easily fix it...oh well....probably have something sharp lodged into my tire...

6.87 miles
avg 10.1
max 17.6
cal 124.6
Greenpeace with ride-a-long
Thatcher on his Trek 7.2 fx KDS

Took the kids to Wells Fargo, then the coffee shop and then the new park equipment at Wolf Park....took the SW Corridor home

12.28 miles - Commute/Shady Oak Extension - 8/3/08

12.28 miles
avg 17.6
max 29.3
cal 446.0


Friday, August 1, 2008

$ - 33.16 miles - Minnehaha Parkway/East River Parkway via Ford Bridge/Lake St Bridge/Greenway - 8/1/08

33.16 miles
avg 18.1
max 29.7
cal 1185.2

Felt good to be on the Poprad a pre-work ride in so I can take the moped to work - go carless today - and the Vespa to work tomorrow....