33.9 miles
avg 16.8
max 32.5
I took the SW Corridor east to the Lakes and went by Lake Hariet the on to the Minnehaha Parkway to the River Parkway and onto the Ford Bridge - went across the Mississippi River to the St. Paul side and the E River Parkway and into the University of Minnesota - then went by the new stadium construction and into Dinkytown - the by Dunn Bros across University Ave and down and across the Stone Arch Bridge and back into Minneapolis and the W River Parkway and back up to the Greenway...I stopped at Freewheel bikes on the Greenway to get a coffee and a Cliff Bar then home...
Excellent day for a ride...again, I wish I could've kept going...the Poprad is very sandy and salty, but holding up quite well...with all the crap on the roads from winter I am glad I installed the Conty Gator Skins last year...I have run over some unsightly objects...