Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

7.83 miles - Commute - 31 degrees - 3/26/09

7.83 miles
avg 15.6
max 27.2
cal 246.8
Swamp Monster

Crazy strong headwind going to work...made it not fun....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

22.3 miles - Commute/SW Corridor/Bryn Mar/Cedar Lake Rd/Work/Hopkins - 3/22/09

22.3 miles
avg 17.1
27.4 max

Strong easterly headwind I rode into the wind and then with the wind to my back on Cedar Lake Rd...very pleasant weather...NOT liking my Pearl Izumi AmPhib shoe covers though...they don't stay in place very well, unlike their Caliente shoe covers...maybe its the user...we'll see...

18.6 miles - Commute/Noodles/Bryn Mar - 3/21/09

18.6 MILES
16.9 AVG

Thursday, March 19, 2009

33.9 miles - Ford Bridge/U of MN loop - 51 degrees - 3/18/09

33.9 miles
avg 16.8
max 32.5

I took the SW Corridor east to the Lakes and went by Lake Hariet the on to the Minnehaha Parkway to the River Parkway and onto the Ford Bridge - went across the Mississippi River to the St. Paul side and the E River Parkway and into the University of Minnesota - then went by the new stadium construction and into Dinkytown - the by Dunn Bros across University Ave and down and across the Stone Arch Bridge and back into Minneapolis and the W River Parkway and back up to the Greenway...I stopped at Freewheel bikes on the Greenway to get a coffee and a Cliff Bar then home...
Excellent day for a ride...again, I wish I could've kept going...the Poprad is very sandy and salty, but holding up quite well...with all the crap on the roads from winter I am glad I installed the Conty Gator Skins last year...I have run over some unsightly objects...

Monday, March 16, 2009

15 miles - Bryn Mar quick route - 71 degrees - 3/16/09

15 miles
16.7 avg
26.7 max

Not much time, but managed to sneak a ride day yet - warm and sunny - rode in shorts....Sw Corridor/Ceadr Lake/Brymn Mar/Wayzata Blvd/Cedar Lake Rd/Virginia/Louisianna...felt good!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

21.8 miles - Commute/Salsa a la Salsa on Nicolette/Cedar Lake/Wooddale - 54 degrees - 3/15/09

21.8 miles
28.1 max
avg 16.4

Went to work and then met the family for authentic Mexican at Salsa A La Salsa on Nicollete Ave in Minneapolis...then rode home on the Blake School/ Walker Art road to Lake of the Isles and by Lake Calhoun and back in through St. Louis Park to home...I also went through Bryn Mar to get to the restaurant...very nice day for a ride - very pleasant. I stopped at the Walker Sculpture Garden on the way home because the were a boatload of starlings flying around in strange formations. There were also tons of them in the trees. One tree down by the parking lot was black with birds. I am not sure what they were doing, but I bet it had something to do with finding a mate and nesting.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

21.9 miles - Exlesior.Williston/Minnetonka/Ridgedale Mall/Wayzata Blvd/Virginia - 41 degrees - 3/13/09

21.9 miles
avg 16.8
max 35.8

Great ride - picked up my glasses from Ridgedale Mall Len's Crafters.... a bit chilly, but not bad.

Monday, March 9, 2009

24.5 miles - Exelsior Blvd/Williston/Minn Blvd/Cedar Lake Rd/Bryn Mar/Cedar Lake/Whole Foods/Home - 36 degrees - 3/9/09

24.5 miles
avg 16.4
max 32.9

I shouldn't be riding the Poprad this time of year...a kid could play in the amount of sand on the road shoulders. It was a nice ride. I was happy that I took the Williston hills no problem (unlike last year when I felt like I would die climbing them), but I was not so happy that my avg speed was in the 16MPH's....hopefully I can start upping that!! It was above freezing but yet felt very cold...probably from the dampness in the fog...

11.34 miles - Commute/Hopkins - 38 degrees - 3/8/08

11.34 miles
avg 15.3
max 31.1
cal 342.1
Swamp Monster

Moved a working Cateye computer over from my MTB...wished I could rode another 20 miles on the way was beautiful!!!

10 miles - Commute - 3/7/09

10 miles
Swamp Monster

Friday, March 6, 2009

23.8 miles - Greenway/Miss Riv Parkwy/ Lk Hariet/Lk Calhoun/SW Corridor - 36 degrees - 3/6/09

23.8 miles
max 28.5
avg 16.7

Probably shouldn't have taken the Poprad and probably should've used the fenders - I was totally drenched from the knee down...other than that it was a fun ride..

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

21.2 miles - SW Corridor/MInn Blvd/Ridgedale Lib/HW101/Minn Blvd - 25 degrees - 3/3/09

21.2 miles
max 36.5
avg 16.9

First use of the new Trek Incite 9i wireless computer. It has a cool reverse light monitor and a temp guage. Love it so far. I had to cut the ride short because of the very windy cross winds (yaws). My legs and toes got way too cold...oh and I rode for the first time with my new heart rate monitor...very cool...I'll talk about it next time...