Vintage Trek Commmuter w/ Burley on the way home from work.
Bought a Burley today...was going to buy a used Solo, but the people stood me and weren't I said F%#@ it and bought a new Honey Bee at work. The discount on the HB was close to the price of the used I went with it and took Kian out a for a jaunt around the 'hood tonight and he loved it. I got the baby snuggler to fit him in there really nice. I am very excited to get him out and ctuise around with him.
First ride on the "new" Trek 400 that I bought from an older guy in Minnetonka. His son worked for Now Sports in yesteryear and he was very attached to this bike. He felt confident that I would take care of it....I will for that particular guy. It rides nice. The wheels are tight and smooth and very strong for how old they are in age. Its going to be a very cool bike when I am done. Pics soon I hope!
Really fun ride...first time to Hariet Island - love St. Paul. The winding paved trails through the river bottom was very cool and even surreal at points for some reason - must be the peyote, I don't know.
18.11 MILES AVG 16.3 34.9 MAX CAL 622.0 1:06:20 Winter Bike (Alfresco)
Took the winter bike due to rain and badly wamped wheel that needed trued at work...wheel turned out to have a bad ding and flat spot...looking for replacement riding in the warm rain!!!
Felt pretty strong for recovering from bronchitis/major cold for the past six days...hoefully I can work on getting some more miles in/time on the bike soon.
I accept the automobile as a mode of transportation although it should be used sparingly. My goal is to use a "Less-Car lifestyle."
With kids, a job and a no-so-liveable community it can be difficult to follow a One-Less-Car lifestyle. But my goal is to live my life with as little use of my car as possible - a Less-Car Lifestyle.
I am keeping track of how much I ride my bike to not only curb my own unsustainable lifestyle, but to show others that they can have a much more fulfilling life by choosing alternatives.