Saturday, July 31, 2010

370 miles in July 2010 - 1595 so far this year

119.34 miles - One month of Burley pullin' - July

119.34 miles
10.4 avg
28.1 max
2319.0 cal

Trek 790 w/ Burley

I just left the computer on the bike this month instead of posting individual rides. Mostly the rides were utilitarian, but a few were for pleasure. Kian really loves riding in the Burley trailer.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

15.4 miles - Commute/ Williston Extension 7/24/10

15.4 miles
18.8 avg
37.0 max



8.3 miles - Commute - 7/23/10

8.3 miles
15.7 avg
26.1 max

Trek 520

Thursday, July 22, 2010

26.6 miles - Greenway/Franklin Bridge/E River Pkwy/Ford Bridge/W River Pkwy/Greenway - 7/20/10

26.6 miles
26.9 max
19.3 avg


Ride moderately hard for my fitness level, bnut di not do anything for recovery and bit it later that night. I need to eat a PBJ or something when I get home...otherwise a great ride.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

22.9 miles - Commute/Lake Calhoun and Hariet - 7/19/10

22.9 miles
26.4 max
19.2 avg


Great short ride on my way home from work...the lakes can get annoying, but today there weren't a ton of people strolling at 3:30 in the afternoon. Started out wanting just a slow casual ride and something about theat Madone just wants to go fast....

Monday, July 19, 2010

15.2 miles - Lake Hariet and Calhoun - 7/18/10

15.2 miles
24.6 max
16.8 avg

Black Trek

Blew a tube at dusk on the north side of Lake Calhoun. I heard my front brake rub and thought I popped a spoke or bent the rim, so I reached down and released the quick release, which didn't help (it was dark). Then I heard a huge POW!!! It was like a gunshot blast and one of the four girls on cruiser bikes 50 feet in front of me screamed bloody murder. I pulled over and changed the tube while getting sucked dry of my blood from those little flying creatures.
It was an interesting ride. Glad I didn't take the Madone tonight, especially around the Lakes.

29.4 miles - Commute x 2 - 7/17 - 7/18/10

29.4 miles (10.4 miles on Black Trek, 19 miles on Madone)
34.9 max
18.2 avg

Black Trek, Madone

Went the long way to work and back on Saturday and started 45 minutes early on Sunday morning w/ the Madone.

Friday, July 16, 2010

10.9 miles - Commute/394 frontage extension - 7/16/10

10.9 miles
16.4 avg
29.5 max

Trek 520

I just wanted to keep going tonight, but the little dudes keep me heading towards home...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

8 miles - commute - 7/14/10

8 miles
16.5 avg
25.9 max

Trek 520

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

10.7 miles - commute - 7/13/10

10.7 miles
26.4 max
16.6 avg

Black Trek

To Dunn Bros to pick up a breakfast sandwich, 2 apple fritters and some coffee and off to work...beautiful morning to ride to work and stay there for 12 hours....

Monday, July 12, 2010

21.7 miles - Comnmute/Mitch's - 7/11 - 7/12/10

21.7 miles
13.1 avg
32.6 max

Trek 520

Rode Thatcher over to Mitch's and today I rode to work...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

56.7 miles - 3 Rides on North Shore - 7/6 - 7/7 - 7/8/10

56.7 miles
17.1 avg
41.1 max

Black Trek
20 miles on the first morning of our short stay at the Cascade Lodge ( was great. Warm weather and hardly a breeze. 10 miles on the second day because there was a fog that spattered my glasses, I forgot my water bottle and I was very achy for some reason. 27 miles on the last day. I set a very small goal which was to climb the Gunflint Trail from Grand Marais to the top of the hill - 3 miles on a steady and steep incline. It was fun and nice to feel a burn from climbing for a change. There are no hills in the Twin Cities worthy of calling a challenge. Great rides, although short. The pics are of a cool strange bike and of a view from mid hill on the Gunflint of Grand Marais.

Saturday, July 3, 2010