29.8 miles
16.3 avg
27.4 max
Black Trek
Rode a pretty typical route down the Greenway, north up the river, through MPLS and out to Theo Wirth, and then onto the Kenilworth Trail to Ceadr Lake Rd. I then took an extra couple of miles to Wayzata Blvd(Frontage Rd) and then to the shop.
I really need to strat riding the Madone. There were some mechanical issues w/ the Black Trek, including a locked up front derailleurand a bent tooth on my large chainring in the front making it not possible to use my last two small cogs (top speed) on my cassette.
Otherwise a really nice ride.
It has been taking my legs longer than usual to get motivated during rides. I think I need to cut the running down in the winter and take some spin classes or something.