Tried embrocation and it didn't work. I used it on my toes and they were very very cold when I got home. The ride was nice. There were a lot of people on the trail for Feb 4th.
Goal was 100 per 2010 January miles. 25 miles under par. Goal for February 2011 is 185 miles plus 30 (difference in January) = 215 mile goal for February 2011
I accept the automobile as a mode of transportation although it should be used sparingly. My goal is to use a "Less-Car lifestyle."
With kids, a job and a no-so-liveable community it can be difficult to follow a One-Less-Car lifestyle. But my goal is to live my life with as little use of my car as possible - a Less-Car Lifestyle.
I am keeping track of how much I ride my bike to not only curb my own unsustainable lifestyle, but to show others that they can have a much more fulfilling life by choosing alternatives.