Monday, May 30, 2011

17 miles - commute and a evening ride - 5/30/11

8 miles (commute)

Trek 520

9 miles (evening ride)

Black Trek

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011

17.6 miles - commute x 2 - 5/25, 5/28/11

17.6 miles
15.7 avg
24.2 max

Trek 520

Took the Hutch/Spur route both days and stopped at Target Saturday on the way home.

16 miles - commute/YMCA - 5/27/11

16 miles

Trek 620 spring bike

Was going to go to the YMCA after work, but ended up realizing that I forgot my wallet at work when I got to the Y.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

16.0 miles - commute/Ridgedale/Minnetaonka Blvd extension - 5/24/11

16.0 miles
17.3 avg

Trek 520

Thought I was going for a workout before work but ran out of time....nice morning for a ride anyway!!!

7.8 miles - commute - 5/23/11

7.8 miles
16.3 avg
26.6 max

Madone 6.5

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

18.6 miles - Lake Calhoun/Cedar Lake Tr/Hutch Spur/Greenway - 5/20/11

18.6 miles
17.2 avg
24.9 max

Black Trek

Took the black Trek due to some light rain. It felt good to be sprinkled on lightly. Felt strong except my lower back has been giving me issues today.

17.4 miles - commute x 2 - 5/18 - 5/19/11

17.4 miles
17.8 avg
29.3 max

Madone 6.5

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

52.7 miles - Figure 8 loop (w burbs/MPLS) - 5/17/11

52.7 miles
18.5 avg
29.6 max

Madone 6.5

Wasn't sue if I was going to hit 50 - time constraints, wind and energy. But eventually autopilot came on and I was even able to keep my average speed pretty high. GREAT RIDE!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

37.5 miles - MPLS road ride/Burley-pullin' - 5/16/11

37.5 miles

30.3 miles
17.8 avg
26.3 max

Madone 6.5 - Really great ride. Had a hard time getting the cobwebs out of my legs this morning. Felt really strong when I had to go home, of course. Going to try again tomorrow for a longer ride. I took the Greenway to the River. Then down to Minnehaha Parkway and home by Cedar Lake and then the Hutch-Spur Trail.

7.2 miles
20.2 max

Greenpeace pullin' the Burley. Took Kian down to the Good Bean Cafe for a cookie and a coffee. Had to stop at the police station to pick up my neighborhood newsletters to hand out. Kian fell asleep on the way home.

10 miles - commute - 5/15/11

10 miles

Madone 6.5

Friday, May 13, 2011

24 miles - Commute x 3 - 5/11, 5/12 and 5/14

24 miles

Trek 620 spring bike

This is why May sucks for getting miles in....rain, rain and thunderstorms.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

6.5 miles - Trader Joe's w/ Thatcher - 5/11/11

6.5 miles
avg 9.0
max 18.5

Trek 520

Took a trip to the store w/ Thatch. the boy can gab. He is fun to ride with, but we move along at a snails pace. He has a Trek 920 with slick tires that I bought him last year. We are going to do an extensve overhaul and make some mechanical changes and adjustments for him. It'll be a nice ride when we are done with it.

12.3 miles - Burley pullin/Lake Cahoun/Knollwood - 5/9/11

12.3 miles
16.3 max

Greenpeace w/Burley

Saturday, May 7, 2011

31.6 miles - commute x 2/YMCA/Minneonka Blvd - 5/7, 5/8/11

31.6 miles

4 miles - commute one way on the black Trek

26.6 miles
11.9 avg

Trek 520

First ride on the 520 with the new Avid Shorty 4 brakes and a new rack and bags - both from Bontrager. Brakes have some squeak, however the stopping power has doubled.
Great moring ride before work (14 miles) on the 520.

Friday, May 6, 2011

15 miles - commute/Ridgedale YMCA - 5/4/11

15 miles

Trek 620 spring bike

18.5 miles - commute x 2/Baker extension x 1 - 5/2, 5/3/11

18.5 miles
16.9 avg
26.9 max

Madone 6.5

It was nice enough to ride the Madone to work for a couple of days.