21.6 miles - 17.1 avg - 28.9 max - 1:15:34 - Black Trek (410 miles on the Black Trek thus far this year. Most of those are commuter miles due to the crappy spring we have had this year.)
18.4 miles - 17.0 avg - 21.3 max - 1:05:07 - Black Trek - From home around the east side of Lake Calhoun, then Lake Hariet , back around the west side of Calhoun and then a loop around Lake of the Isles and back up onto the Greenway and home.
40 miles - 17.8 avg - 37.6 max - 2:13:52 - Madone 6.5 - Computer went berzerk in a couple of places = lost some data. Flatted on the east river parkway.
I accept the automobile as a mode of transportation although it should be used sparingly. My goal is to use a "Less-Car lifestyle."
With kids, a job and a no-so-liveable community it can be difficult to follow a One-Less-Car lifestyle. But my goal is to live my life with as little use of my car as possible - a Less-Car Lifestyle.
I am keeping track of how much I ride my bike to not only curb my own unsustainable lifestyle, but to show others that they can have a much more fulfilling life by choosing alternatives.