Wednesday, May 30, 2012

23.8 miles - commute x 2 - 5/29 - 5/30/12

23.8 miles 17.6 avg 32.0 max 1:20:57 Madone 6.5

Monday, May 28, 2012

18.1 miles - Greenway/ Theo Wirth/ Cedar Lake TR Hutch Spur - 5/28/12

18.1 miles 18.5 avg 29.3 max 0:58:31 Madone 6.5 Heli-strong headwinds going west. A ton of people on the trail due to the holiday.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

9.6 miles - commute - 5/25/12

9.6 miles 16.0 avg 24.5 max 0:36:03 Black Trek

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

16.9 miles - commute/ hills extension - 5/22/12

16.9 miles 17.2 avg 34.8 max 0:58:57 Madone 6.5 Williston/ Plymouth Rd/behind YMCA hills then to work. Needed to hits some hills to clear out the lungs. Not enough long rides lately.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012

22.5 miles - Chain of Lakes - 5/20/12

22.5 miles 17.5 avg 24.0 max 1:16:57 Madone 6.5

Saturday, May 19, 2012

8.9 miles - commute - 5/19/12

8.9 miles 17.0 avg 27.9 max 0:31:24 Madone 6.5

Friday, May 18, 2012

9 miles - commute - 5/18/12

9 miles Dahon folder Slow but fun ride to work on the Dahon!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

13 miles - 1+ laps at Elm Creek - 5/17/12

13 miles Trek Superfly First time at Elm Creek mountain biking. Very enjoy. Fast and swoopy with a lot of dips. I was a bit weak from the stomach virus a couple of days ago so the sandy parairie trails kinda wore me out. I found myself sitting in the saddle way too often. But in the trees the trail was tacky enough where the tires stuck and I could hit the turns pretty fast. The trees were pretty tight. The 30mm I knocked off my bars seems to be fine. I am still having a harder time getting used to the 29er tires. I was missing the 26 inch wheels a bit today. We shall see how it goes. Looking forward tom many future runs at Elm Creek!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012

5.5 miles - Murphy w/ Liam - 5/14/12

5.5 miles Superfly Liam on his MT60 We did the short loop twice. I could tell he was a bit tired. He does great for a 9 year old on a sub-par kids bike. Very proud of him!!!

7.9 miles - commute - 5/14/12

7.9 miles 17.0 avg 27.7 max 0:27:22 Trek 520

9.3 miles - Kinkos in Uptown w/ kids - 5/13/12

9.3 miles 8.2 avg 20.3 max 1:08:16 Trek 520 w/ Burley Thatch on Soho Liam on MT200

Friday, May 11, 2012

26 miles - commute / Theo Wirth(2 laps) - 5/11/12

26 miles Superfly First actual MTB trail ride on the Superfly. It took a little bit of time to get used to the handling of a 29er. But I think I will like it. I need to make some small tweaks. But it feels pretty good stock. I took 15mm off each end of the bars. I may take another 10 off each side.

8 miles - commute - 5/10/12

8 miles Black Trek

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

8 miles - commute - 5/8/12

8 miles Black Trek

16.2 miles - Theo Wirth and back - 5/7/12

16.2 miles 17.0 avg 26.0 max 0:53:10 Snuck a ride in to Theo Wirth trailhead to see what the exact distance is. When I ride my Superfly to Theo I can calculate my miles. Madone 6.5

Sunday, May 6, 2012

14.3 miles - commute/Ridgedale YMCA - 5/6/12

14.3 miles 16.6 avg 33.1 max 0:51:34 Black Trek

Saturday, May 5, 2012

19.5 miles - commute x 2 - 5/4-5/5/12

19.5 miles 18.1 avg 1:04:31 Black Trek Trying to find a time to ride, but with this rain it just isn't happening.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

23.9 miles - Lake Calhoun with Thatch/ ride to work and back via Williston - 5/3/12

12 miles Superfly Thatch on his Soho 11.9 miles 16.5 avg 29.9 max 0:43:08 Madone 6.5 Just cruising and enjoying the great weather with my boy around the lake and on a short night ride.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

10 miles - To work to build my new Superfly - 5/2/12

10 miles Rode my Tassahara winter bike to work to build my Superfly. Rode the Superfly home. It was fucking awesome!! I'll post som pics tomorrow and explain why I chose the closeout 2011 over the 2012.

346.2 miles for April 2012 - 826.2 miles thus far in 2012

12.3 miles - Lake Calhoun park pullin' the Burley w/ Kian - 4/30/12

12.3 miles 13.1 avg 16.8 max 0:56:19 Trek 520 w/ Burley