Friday, November 29, 2013

8 miles - commute - 11/29/13

8 miles - 9zero7 - The single track bushwack is looking pretty sweet.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Before and after a little trail work on the secret commuter trail.

Still have to get in there with a saw and cut a sizable hole to get the fatties through.

8 miles - commute - 11/26/13

8 miles - 9zero7

Monday, November 25, 2013

9zero7 waiting to turn into a 1x9.

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16 miles - Elm Creek (weird lap x 1.5) - 36 degrees - 11/25/13

16 miles - 9zero7 - Very greasy in a few locations. Only the second or third dirt ride on the 9zero7.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

8.5 miles - commute - 11/5/13

8.5 miles - 9zero7 - Slushy snow on the way home. Tried the PDM front fender. It was a disaster. My feet have never been so soaked on a bike ever before.

17.1 miles - commute/ Cedar lake extension - 11/4/13

17.1 miles - 16.5 avg - 27.1 max - 1:02:18 - Black Trek

Saturday, November 2, 2013